Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring is the Best Time to Paint

I mean, of course, that it's the best time to paint outside! Anytime is the best time to paint, but spring offers a season with cool weather, few bugs and lovely colors in the trees. I have been wanting to paint a redbud tree. Sadly, the one my husband planted last year did not make it through the winter. Apple and pear trees are especially beautiful this time of year too, but I wanted to paint a redbud before it turned green.

the really nice thing about plein air is the inspiration and the flexibility you have. Two birds appeared for just a few moments but long enough to capture and place into MY sky. The Forsythia bush was not close to the redbud tree, but I moved it and it creates a nice foil for the cool violets.

11" x 14" oil on canvas

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